QUOTE: “I can wish all people goodwill through God which strengthens me.” One can leave off the through God which strengthens me or substitute in place of God ones own deity. Just repeat the quote to yourself as many times as necessary or until the storm passes over. No one else has to know what you are repeating to yourself. I promise you if you have trouble on your job, in your marriage, or whatever, your stress will vanish, it is not a cure all, but, a stress free healing process will began. True joy and happiness comes from within. But, you can't find it from within. You find it by caring, helping, and serving others! DIABETES HELPFUL HINTS Every diabetic should read labels and keep count of the amount of carbohydrates consumed. Carbohydrates are really what determine ones blood sugar level. If carbohydrates can be kept down to around 50g per meal it will go a long ways in controlling ones blood sugar level. Meats and fats without anything added like sauces and gravies don’t contain carbohydrates. Most leafy vegetables and others like greens beans, broccoli, cauliflower, and sweet peas average around 15g per 1/2 cup. It is the big 5 that can be enjoyed but really need to be kept under control, they are bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, and artificial sweets. My healthy eating priority formula: Eat, fresh and raw when possible, cooked fresh, cooked frozen, and lastly cooked canned. However, as a rule eating food properly cooked is always safer in my view. I’m not a trained medical professional in any way; I’m a self-made writer and hope my limited knowledge will be helpful to someone in some way. |