DIABETIC HELPFUL HINTS TO KEEP YOU SAFE AND HEALTHY. All carbohydrates influence blood sugar levels, artificial sweets is only one type of carbohydrate. The body needs some carbohydrates which are its main source for energy but diabetics need to keep them down to a minimum. Meats and fats without gravies, sauces, or anything else doesn’t have carbohydrates and won’t drive up blood sugar levels, but fats tends to keep it at the same level and hinder it from dropping back down. So, wherever blood sugar level is way above normal never fry your meats, boil or bake with nothing but a little salt and pepper. And eat non starchy vegetables preferable raw with no dressing and maybe a little salt & pepper until back down to normal. Once back down to normal small amounts of starchy carbohydrates such as bread, rice, grits, potatoes, pastas, and very small amounts of artificial sweets is okay. We diabetics all love fried food and its okay as long as blood sugar level is kept under control. By F. L. Sirmans, Sr. Just print out as a poster and tape or tack to your wall in bathroom, etc. Home:FLSirmans.com |